He had posted a photo he had found of Neal's Yard on Facebook, and tagged me in it asking if I knew of it, I instantly recognised it as the fabulous Neal's Yard! In my excitement of him posting that pic and me knowing it (I like winning hahaaa...) I offered to go video it for him and give him a little tour.
He loved the idea so off I went today, it was a gorgeous sunny day and I had just moved on Saturday into my new place in Bloomsbury and now I am in walking distance of the wonderful-ness :D
What struck me looking at these photos now is how much of my life is made from conversations and sharing of cool stuff on the internet.
This is one example, but I love to share everything I do on the internet, well you know, most things, not everything :)
I like to show people places they wouldn't normally go or things they would look past.
This is one of my main reasons for being on YouTube, people may think it is a popularity to many, and that is true for some, but for me I just want to share my artwork and vlogs out and about. I hate the idea that my art would sit in folders where no one would see it.... and when my YouTube took off it really brought me into the world of the internet.
I started my voyage into social networks and social media back in 2005 when I joined a Harry Potter fansite (JK Rowling I owe a lot to you).. and I still talk regularly to two or three people from there. They were the first people I told I was gay, and have stuck with me and even though we have never met I know one will be coming to my wedding.
This is the age of skype and without it life would be so different. My parents did long distance for 4 years, only using a pay phone in a telephone box!
Hey I met my fiancé on the internet and have been doing long distance for over 2 years and thank god for skype, Twitter, Facebook and Dailybooth.
I have been to countless YouTube gatherings, met people I had never met before, I've met up with people abroad I know off the internet...
It doesn't phase me in the slightest, if you build a good transparent relationship online there is nothing scary or dangerous about meeting people from the internet, and of course always using common sense, meeting in public places etc.
The internet has brought me some valuable friends, a lover, and it even offers me the chance to get to know people I sell my artworks too!
I have now landed an internship in social media, never did I think I would be doing something to do with what is basically my life.
Social Media is my life for now, and always will be a big part, but hopefully I will remove some of it by getting Mark - my fiancé in the same country soon :) Still I am bloody lucky to have been born in the internet generation!